Ⅵ 社会制度研究部門


Challenges of Japanese Cross Border Acquisitions

★Ralf Bebenroth(RIEB・Professor)
Ashish Malik(University of Newastle Management School・Senior Lecturer)
Hussain Rammal(University of Technology, Sydney Management School・Associate Professor)
Roman Bartnik(Colon Business School Management School・Parttime Lecturer)
Kai Thiele(Business Faculty・Parttime teacher, SESAMI)
Nir Kshetri(University of North Carolina Brian Business School・Professor)


This research attempts to investigate challenges of Japanese firms when overtaking foreign firms. For Japanese firms it became recently popular to overtake foreign firms in cross border attempts. However, often Japanese firms cannot fulfill the strategic results they promised (at the time of the takeover). Instead of giving Japanese firms leverage in foreign markets through their acquisitions, they face serious problems. Japanese firms therefore sell back foreign investments often to prices far under what they paid at the acquisitions.