The Kobe University Center for Social Systems Innovation




About the Kobe University Center for Social Systems Innovation

The Kobe University Center for Social Systems Innovation is a new research organization designed to produce social systems innovations. The center aims to analyze issues and find solutions to social problems through cutting-edge empirical research. While utilizing application-based theory generation, it is creating a comprehensive research hub that both contributes to society and is academically among the world leaders in social systems innovation. In FY2016, six sections were established. Three sections focus on specific fields (the Environment and Resource System Innovation Section, the Health and Welfare System Innovation Section, and the Finance and IT System Innovation Section) while three cut across fields (the Market Research Section, the Social System Research Section, and the Entrepreneurship Research Section). There are 116 Kobe University researchers, 55 researchers from other institutions in Japan, and 30 researchers from institutions outside of Japan participating. There are currently five full-time faculty members, three project professors, and two project associate professors; a third project associate professor is expected to join in November, and another project professor in April 2017. With these resources, the center will actively carry out international collaborative research, will publish findings in the world’s leading journals, and will conduct practical research that leads to policy recommendations and to the implementation of findings in society. Research findings will be widely known to the public through symposia and other events.