【開催報告】「Law & Development of Emerging Economies in Asia」が開催されました







   Asia Law & Society Association大阪大会実施委員会


 本研究グループは、2019年12月12日-14日、ミャンマー(ヤンゴン大学名誉教授Daw Than New女史、ダゴン大学副学長Nu Nu Yi女史、同法学部長Mi Khin Saw Aung女史)、ベトナム(司法省民法典起草委員Nguyen Hong Hai氏、フルブライト大学教授Pham Duy Ngyia氏)、インドネシア(国会上院法制委員会顧問・ランプーン大学憲法研究所長Rudy Lukman氏)、タイ(タマサート大学講師Apinop氏)他、アジア各地から賓客を招き、かつ米国ワシントン大学ロースクール・セントルイスBrian Tamanaha教授、シカゴ大学ロースクール長Tom Ginsburg教授、豪モナシュ大学John Gillespie教授他の著名な法学者を招聘し、一連の研究交流イベントを実施した。
 初日12月12日は、大阪地方裁判所民事部の協力を仰ぎ、日本の裁判官との懇話会を実施した。12月13日-14日は、”Law Reforms in Asian Emerging Economies: Beyond Legal Transplant”なる共通テーマのもと、神戸大学・大阪大学の基礎法学者の共同で開催した国際学会Asian Law & Society Association大阪大会の企画として、以下の5つの研究セッションを開催した。


Session 1:  Economic Law Reforms in Asian Emerging Economies
Saturday Dec. 14th, 8:30 – 10:15
●Abstract: As of the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, many of its late member countries have conducted rigorous economic law reforms to newly introduce or strengthen competition law, consumer protection law, and SME promotion law. This session will focus on competition law in this region and attempt to examine recent developments comparatively and conduct country studies on Vietnam and Myanmar.  
●Chair: Prof. Makoto Kurita (Professor, Hakuo University)
・Makoto Kurita (Professor, Hakuo University)
“Comparative Approach to Asian Competition Policy & Law”
・Shuya Hayashi (Professor, Nagoya University)
“International Cooperation and Harmonization in Competition Law”
・Osamu Igarashi (JFTC, former JICA Expert to Indonesia, and Vietnam)
“New Vietnam Competition Law and Its Future Tasks”
・Yuzana Min Aung (Kobe University, Ministry of Commerce of Myanmar)
“Myanmar Competition Law and Commission’s Challenges”

Session 2:  Issues of Intellectual Property Law in Asian Emerging Economies
Saturday Dec. 14th 10:30 – 12:15
●Abstract: This session will explore the law and policy changes in Asian development economies as the accession to the international intellectual property regime and investigate into its social impacts and implications.
●Chair: Takashi Maeda (Associate Professor, Kobe University)
・Jun Sugiura (Professor, Osaka Institute of Technology)
“The establishment and history of Intellectual Property Strategy of JAPAN”
・Prof. Daw Nu Nu Yi (Pro-Rector, Dagon University)
“Protection of Geographical Indication in Myanmar”
・Miha Isoi (Attorney, Japan International Cooperation Agency)
“Japanese Legal Assistance in the Area of Intellectual Property”
・Nguyen Van Trong (Kobe University)
“Issues of Patent Law and Implementation in Vietnam”

Session 3:  Judicial Reform and Dispute Resolutions in Asian Emerging Economies
Friday Dec. 13th, 16:15 – 18:00
●Abstract: Judicial reform for efficient contract enforcement has been a target of donor assistance, but such assistance often brings in different models for reforms, resulting in confusions in the reform paths. The policy balance is also required to design the procedure law, so as to mitigate the tension between the quick resolution of disputes for commercial needs and the procedural protection for vulnerable parties. This session focuses on the features of procedure law reforms and practice of litigation and ADR in Asian emerging economies.
●Chair: Shiro Kawashima (Professor, Doshisha University)
-Shiro Kawashima (Doshisha University)
“Trend of Civil Procedure Law Reforms in ASEAN Emerging Countries”
-Vorlachit Hadoheuang (Kobe University, Ministry of Cabinet Office)
Douangvay Souksavth (Kobe University, Ministry of Planning and Investment)
Soudchai Vannasin (Kobe University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Khamtan Phosombath (Kobe University, Ministry of Justice)
Panatda Luanglath (Kobe University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
 “Civil and Commercial Disputes Resolution in Lao PDR”
-Kyaw Kyaw Linn (Kobe University, Union Attorney General Office of Myanmar)
 “Judicial Reform and Dispute Resolutions in Myanmar”
-Antonio Ceasar R. Manila (Supreme Court of the Philippines)
 “Recent Judicial Reforms in Civil and Commercial Rules of Procedure in the Philippines”

Session4: Constitutional and Administrative Litigations in the contexts of Constitutionalism in Asia
Saturday Dec. 14th, 13:00 – 14:45
●Abstract: While there is a trend of increasing constitutional and administrative litigations amid the trend of democratization in the post-Authoritarian Southeast Asia, a comparative analysis across the borders is not a simple task due to the difference of the fundamental structure of constitutional regime as well as the administrative system. This session invites speakers from Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam to discuss about the role of constitutional review of statutory laws and/or judicial control of administrative activities in the governance regime of each country. The session intends to articulate systemic differences as a basis of comparative law & society approach.
●Chair: Narufumi Kadomatsu  (Professor, Kobe University)
●Discussant: Tom Ginsburg  (Dean, Chicago School of Law)
-Mi Khin Saw Aung (Dean, Dagon University Law Department)
“Writ Jurisdiction in Myanmar”
-Rudy Lukman (Lampurng University, Upper House Legal Counselor of Indonesia)
“Consistency of Supreme Court Judgment and Constitutional Court Judgment in Indonesia”
– Apinop Atipiboonsin (Associate Professor, Thammasat University)
“The Divergence of the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court of Thailand:
an Accident or an inevitability?”
– Pham Duy Ngia (Professor, Fulbright University)
“Administrative Court in Vietnam: Legal and political boundary”

Session 5: Land Law Reforms in Asian Emerging Economies: Toward Balanced Development
Saturday Dec. 14th, 15:00 – 16:45
●Abstract:  Land disputes are occurring throughout Asia, sharing a common structure that the governmental policy prioritizing economic development invites compulsory taking of the subsistent land uses. Law is often nothing but an instrument to legalize such taking, as illustrated in the introduction of Torrens style title registration system that eliminates existing land uses, land acquisition law with an eased definition of public purpose, and urban planning laws legalizing taking without compensations. These methods were a revival of colonial land law, which was once suspended by the post-independence sui generis land law reforms, but reinforced in the contemporary land law reforms vigorously led by developmental donors. Legal instruments that can be utilized by local residents are limited: participatory procedures are underdeveloped; property rights in the civil law sphere are defined weak. This session will take both historical and empirical approaches to the property law reforms and their outcomes in Asian emerging economies, to find possible solutions toward a balanced land regime. 
●Chair: Yuka Kaneko (Kobe University)
●Discussant: John Gillespie (Monash University)
-Yuka Kaneko (Kobe University)
“History of Land Law and Social Norms in Solving Land Disputes in Myanmar”
-Nguyen Hong Hai (Ministry of Justice of Vietnam) & Ho An (Kobe University)
“The demand for land law reformation in Vietnam in terms of increasing land use value and efficiency of land access in business investment”
-Kenzo Okawa (Setsunan University, JICA Expert for Lao Civil Code)
“Lao Civil Code and Land Law System”
– Issei Sakano (Legal Counsellor at Ministry of Justice of Cambodia)
“Initial Registration and Transfer of Land Ownership in Cambodia: Protection of Private Rights in Development”